Doing what matters

The Wise Group isn’t afraid to tackle the hard issues – it’s about doing what matters and creating new opportunities for the wellbeing of people, vulnerable populations, organisations and communities.

Stories of change

Just a Thought receives it’s 50,000th sign-up!

Just a Thought receives it’s 50,000th sign-up!

The Just a Thought team (part of the Wise Group whānau) are proud to share that we’ve just received our 50,000th sign-up! That’s 50,000 people who’ve been able to access mental health support thanks to the efforts of people like you promoting Just a Thought in your...

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Shelley Campbell announced as new Wise Group chief executive

Shelley Campbell announced as new Wise Group chief executive

E mihi ana rā, e mihi ana rā! He koanga ngākau, he oranga ngākau! Kua tatū te kaupapa! He ihu waka, he ihu whenua. Tihei mauriora! The Wise Trust Board is delighted to announce it has appointed Shelley Campbell as Wise Group chief executive. Shelley will start in the...

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Shelley Campbell announced as new Wise Group chief executive

Wise Group leadership announcement

Tēnā katoa mai koutou e te whānau whānui o WISE, tae atu ki a koutou o waho atu e manaaki mai nā. E mihi nui atu ana. He pānui, he pānui! The Wise Trust Board has announced changes to Wise Group leadership this year, as part of our long-term succession planning. These...

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